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Invite showing as expired when clicking accept

Ed Keeley
Ed Keeley
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Just setting up our account and sent out the first batch invite to our users.  I am getting a high number that are saying when they click accept it comes back saying the invite has expired.   See attached file for exact message.  Have tried to resend to the individuals but still the same issue?

Any one else run into this?

VPN Issue?

Browser Issue?

Backend Issue?






  • Hi Ed,

    I am the support agent assisting you with this issue. This error message will be displayed if you have any email security that is modifying the invitation link in any way. You will need to work with your IT department to see what is causing the links to be manipulated, and how your security can allow our links to be passed without any modification.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


  • Thanks for your help Andrew.  

    I have IT looking into and they are trying to figure out which particular piece of our security is interfering with the links


  • Hi Ed,

    If you find that specific applications are causing this issue, feel free to comment in this thread with the steps you took to resolve the issue. This will help any others that run into this issue and happen upon this thread. 

This discussion has been closed.