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How to show a percentage in a cell with text mixed with formula

Hi, I have a percentage complete cell which is working correctly when the following formula is used and the cell is set to show as a percentage:

Formula: =SUM([Column5]24, [Column5]29, [Column5]33) / 3

Result: 25%

However if I add text to the front of the formula, the result changes back to an integer:

Formula: ="Progress (Supervisor) " + SUM([Column5]24, [Column5]29, [Column5]33) / 3

Result: Progress (Supervisor) 0.248868893729418

Is there any way I can specify the output of the formula to show as a percentage?

Thanks in Advance.


  • Schiff A.
    Schiff A. Employee

    Hi Sandra_Shedden,

    You can effectively have the result of the formula display as a percentage by rounding to two decimal places, multiplying by 100, and adding a percent symbol as a string to the end.

    In your example, you could use this formula: ="Progress (Supervisor) " + (ROUND(SUM([Column5]24, [Column5]29, [Column5]33) / 3, 2) * 100) + "%"


    Let us know if you have any questions.



    Smartsheet Support

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