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How do I link a project worksheet into the row of a separate worksheet?


I'm new to Smartsheet and hoping to find a solution to the following:

How do you link a worksheet to a row of another worksheet? For example, I have a worksheet for my Master Project List that lists about 70 projects. Each project has a separate worksheet for its individual project tasks/deliverables. I am hoping there is a way for me to link the separate detailed project worksheet, into the appropriate row of my Master Project List. Has anyone tried this?

Thanks in advance!





  • randyholt
    edited 12/11/17

    I’ve found two ways to create a master list of projects.  I am assuming that you are working on projects.  This first is to create a roll-up sheet with one row of linked cells per project worksheet.  The key is that all worksheets have 1) a first row with the project name that is the parent of all subsequent rows and 2) a standardized set of columns across all worksheets.  First, decide which columns you need to display in the master sheet.  Once you have formatted your individual worksheets, create a link from the desired cells in the first parent row of the individual worksheet to a row in the master sheet.  The benefits to this are that the master sheet will change as the underlying worksheets change, and if you include start and end dates in the master sheet, you will be able to display a master Gantt chart.

    This link will give you a good head start on cell linking https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/861579-cell-linking

    The second way is to create a report that includes all projects.  There are a few things that I have found make a master sheet report possible.  Copy all projects to a single workspace and when you create the report, highlight the workspace.  That way any new worksheet added to the workspace will be added to the report.  The second thing I found helpful is to create a column with a flag to indicate the row with the project name.  I turn that flag on (manually) for the row with the project name.  When I run the report, I only grab the row with the project name flag turned on for all worksheets in the workspace.  This will give you a report that will also update as underlying worksheets change.

    This link will give you a good head start on reporting https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522214-creating-reports

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    We created a Master Sheet by creating a report. We have about 10 different programs in our university and each program has its own course design sheet. We have a column that contains an identifier that sends the parent rows to our report only. We're able to grab the status of every parent row for each course and combine them into one report. 

    For instance, the parent row contains the course name, progress, and current step we're on, we added an identifier of course to this "parent" row, and pull only those rows into our master. Whenever we add a new course, it keeps that identifier on the parent row is automatically added to the master report. It's worked pretty well for us. 

    In the report builder under "WHAT" we add the column and the text it should contain to include it in the report. 

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