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Sum columns for each month

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I would like to summarize the cost of each month in the current year. columns for each month and year. I do not get the formula: =SUMIFS([Totalsum eks. mva]29:[Totalsum eks. mva]1403; Start29:Start1403; MONTH(@cell) = [Årlige utførelser]28; YEAR(@cell) = [Måneder for utførsel]28)

Please come with suggestions




  • Robert S.
    Robert S. Employee



    The last criteria in your formula is missing the range. Each criteria to search for, needs to have it's own range set. Here's the formula with the range added:


    =SUMIFS([Totalsum eks. mva]29:[Totalsum eks. mva]1403; Start29:Start1403; MONTH(@cell) = [Årlige utførelser]28; Start29:Start1403; YEAR(@cell) = [Måneder for utførsel]28)


    Here's the help center article on the SUMIF function (https://help.smartsheet.com/function/sumif).

  • Thanks for helping. 

    I still get an #INVALID DATA TYPE error.

    Is it possible to share the sheet with you, so you can take a look. 

    It may be some error in one of the ranges? If its not a valid date in the date coloumn ?

  • Robert S.
    Robert S. Employee



    If there are any blank cells in the date column that this formula is referencing, this could be the cause of the issue. If you'd like the formula to run regardless of blank date cells, it can be changed to this:


    =SUMIFS([Totalsum eks. mva]29:[Totalsum eks. mva]1403; Start29:Start1403; IFERROR(MONTH(@cell); 0) = [Årlige utførelser]1; Start29:Start1403; IFERROR(YEAR(@cell); 0) = [Måneder for utførsel]1)


    If this doesn't seem to get this working for you, one of our support technicians will be happy to assist further with this. Please contact us through the contact help form here (https://help.smartsheet.com/contact).

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