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Hours NOT adding up to correct number of days

Cris Chico
Cris Chico ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I'm having a challenge where the total number of hours is not adding up to 1 day if the hours are equal to the "length of workday" under my settings 

2015-08-04-smartsheet - lenght of days question.jpg



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Cris, parent row duration is not a SUM of child row durations, but rather the duration between the parent row Start and End date which are taken from child row dates/durations. 


    It looks like these tasks are not linked together with predecessors, correct? That means both of these tasks start at 8am on 10/05/15. The first task goes from 8am - 11am and the second task goes from 8am - 10am. This is why your parent row duration is .6d and not 1d.


    Try this, add the row number of the "review final..." task to the predecessor column for the "record and..." task. Now, "record and..." will start after "review final..." and the total duration for this set of tasks will be 1d.

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