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Conditional sharing of row data from one sheet to another

Mike Zeinstra
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

We have divisions that have an HR function.  Each HR function has their own Smartsheet to monitor salary action data.


Certain salary actions require approval from the Central Office.


Is there a way to conditionally share specific rows from a Division Sheet onto a Central Office sheet?


It seems the only way so far is if the Division asks the Central Office via an update request to provide approval.  The problem with that is that the Division could miss the need to do the update request.




  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/06/15


    Create a report for the Central office accross all divisional sheets that only show the rows that need approval fron Central office that have not yet been approved.

    This report then would show all actions needing approval for all divisions at any thime the central office looks at it.  They can also update the data straight in the report rather than having to go to each sheet and update individually.


    In internal process then would need to be identified and published that the report was to be viewed every ## of days by someboduy in central office to see if anything needs updating.

  • Mike Zeinstra

    Thank you for the option. 

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