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web forms, cell requirement dependency

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

While creating a web form with our team we faced the following case 

we want to make client select their project type from a radio buttons and we added a button called "other" 

the next field is saying please specify and requesting text. 

I want to make the field Called "please specify" a Required field* only if the earlier selection was the other button.


in other words can the required field astrix have dependency 


if not can this be a feature request?





  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Web forms cannot have Branching, however if you look at google forms you will see that they can be connected to Smartsheet and they do branching.

  • OMH

    Thank you James, I was just browsing smartbusinessprocess.com :) its great the service your company provides to help smartsheet users utllize smart sheet quickly. 


  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Many thanks and if we can be of assistance please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Richard.

  • I am also looking forward to this feature. It will be great to have dependencies on the Smartsheet web form.

    This will streamline what the end users can see (relevant fields), improve efficiencies and increase accuracy of data collected.

  • Google forms are limited when uploading images. They require that the person uploading the image should have a Google account. Not everyone has a Google account.


    Besides, not everything should be about Google. Smartsheet is more than capable

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