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Only print the milestones on my gantt

Donna Weishuhn
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts



I'm new to smartsheet. My project is large. How do I print the grantt that only has the milestones and not all the data?






  • Stephen Uekert
    edited 08/10/15

    If you only select the Milestone rows you should be able to only print them.


    Just use the "CTRL" key and individually click on the rows you want. Then when you click on print, it should be defaulted to "Selected Rows".


    There may be another way but that's all I know of.



  • SashaR
    SashaR ✭✭

    You can also filter to only show rows with a 0 day duration (milestones) then print the filtered view. 

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