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Recurring Tasks and Allocation - for example part-time day off allocation

Shakthi Oke
Shakthi Oke ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

How do I set up a recurring task for the year?

I have resources who are either booked 1 day a week on a specific recurring task, or who work part-time (e.g. 4 day week) and therefore have a 20% booking per week which is allocated to leave.


How do i manage this? I've checked the "Team Vacation Schedule" template and I cannot seem to see a recurring booking option, I dont want to create 52 task entries to represent the weekly day off. 


Any help on being able to set up a recurring task and assign it to a specific day?

e.g. Jane is a part-time resource, who works Monday to Thursday. Friday is her day off. 



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    We don’t have recurring tasks yet but there is a workaround you might consider using that will allow you to have individually set working days for users. Setting individual working days for users is a little tough at the moment and would require additional work on your part but it might be a good solution for you. You can set working days for individual sheets. You could have a separate sheet with working days that match the user’s schedule where you track tasks for each user that works part time. This way, you wouldn’t need to schedule time off - they would automatically not be assigned tasks on their ‘off’ days. This will work with resource management to not allocate them on their non working days.  

  • We also do need this option. Defining working days on a user level (e.g. for part time employees) such that this is considered when planning projects, vacation etc. etc.

  • Is there any update or is this on the roadmap at all? Defining workdays at a user level. More and more our users are part time or job sharing, there is no current way to work around this :(

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Angela, the workaround I provided above is the best option at this point for individual working days. To build on that, you can use a report to combine multiple sheets/part time schedules into a single view.


    Here is a link to our product roadmap with information on what we are working on: https://www.smartsheet.com/product-roadmap

  • Shanett Cole
    Shanett Cole ✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/30/16

    Cant you use a reoccurring task sheet to assist with this as well.


    I do agree something is needed to handle those that are not fulltime on a project

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