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How do I reuse column definitions? (like a common drop down list)

Rob O'Keefe
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Is there a way to define a common drop down list to use across many sheets?  So let's say Task Status, we want Not Started, In Progress, In Review, Complete, Deferred. Or something like that, but I want it to be defined in one place and not have to redefine it in every sheet. Partially so if the values change in the future all the sheets look up dynamically from one spot.


Is this possible?




  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    This is a hot topic in the community, it comes up almost every week.  As yet there is no Lookup functionality in smartsheet in the form of functions or Dynamic lists.  It is on thier radar and they re working towards it.


    If you need many sheets with the same columns in them then you need to go back to planning stage and create a template from which you create your sheets with the lists already populated in the template.

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