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Alert User in Row if Date has Past Due and not Complete

Andy Klatt
Andy Klatt ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I would like to send an alert to the person "assinged" to the appropriate row the day after a "Due Date" IF a "Status" column has/doesn't have a value(s).


For example, "Send 'Assigned To' and email reminder 1 day after 'Due Date' IF 'Status' does not equal 'Completed; Canceled.'"


I want to target these communications to only occur when the person has missed a deadline and aviod overcommunicating.  I don't want these alerts to turn into emails that occur so frequently that they inevitably get ignored.





  • James Swords
    James Swords ✭✭
    edited 08/24/15

    You can set a reminder to remind the 'Assigned to' at set points with an update of tasks or '# days before' I havent managed to add in the IF 'Status' does not equal 'Completed; Canceled.'" but i have added a comment into the email to remnind people to check this.


    I will be interested to see if there is another solution as i have changed to a single weekly task status update.




  • Someone else has solved this in another discussion:


    This can be done!

    Here are the steps:  

    1. Add a date column to your sheet

    2. Add a formula to the new date column that will show the corresponding Due Date IF the corresponding Status is not Completed or Canceled

    3. Set reminders based on new date column  


    Here is the formula you can use:   =IF(Status1 = "Complete", "", IF(Status1 = "Canceled", "", [Due Date]1))


    - See more at: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/past-due-reporting#comment-2834

This discussion has been closed.