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Configuring Update Requests for entire sheet



  • Agreed - it was an oversight to remove rhis in the fist place.


    It was a powerful feature and publishing reports is a massive compromize when compare to the original functionality. 


    Really hoped Smartsheet would employ some common sense and bring it back.


    Do the guys that make these changes use the software? This was THE best way to get input from multiple external consultants at the same time. It might have been Smartsheet's best and most practical feature at the time. 

  • Hi Mike and Werner-- I've reached out to the PM on this project to find out more about the status of this feature. I'll let you know when I have more information available. Thanks for your patience!

  • This lack of feature is major disappointment and major product failure. I have just convinced a major company to use this system and it has the blow me in the face.

  • So now that it's been 2 years, does that PM still work at Smartsheet? I have no hope for this feature coming back. I worry that Smartsheet will just end up being a bunch of third party options to do the same things it used to.


    Sorry friends.

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