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Configuring Update Requests for entire sheet

DJ Robins
DJ Robins ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I'm trying to create an Update Request on an entire sheet to send out a scheduled email reminder weekly.  I am only able to setup an update request if I select 1 or more rows. Even when I select all the columns in the sheet, the ability to create a new update request is greyed out.  I was able to configure this on an early sheet but I can't figure out how to replicate this on a new sheet. 

Thank you in advance for your help.





  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 11/09/15

    Hi DJ, here are the steps to send an update request for an entire sheet:


    -Single left click on the first row, row number

    -Hold shift and single left click on the last row, row number

    -Click the Update Requests tab

    -Click Create New Request


    Creating an update request for an entire sheet might not be ideal because of the new form view. You may consider publishing your sheet instead. 

  • Hi Travis 


    As discussed with Taylor - An option may be necessary to choose between the traditional update requests and the new from update request feature.


    Asking certain users/non users to update certain rows within a gantt chart or sheet was very useful with the old version. Using the new form view makes this very cumbersome when editing multiple rows or a specific section of a gantt chart.


    We used to be able to handpick cerain rows for editing and nicely package them for the relevant person to edit. Setting up published reports is one method but it will be less flexible and take more time to set up.


    Is there any way you could give us the option when sending out our update request?

    I understand the old code is still running and the background for old recurring update requests.


    Thanks in advance - The other updates made lately have proven very useful, but we need our traditional update requests as well.







  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Werner, Thanks for the feedback! We are in the process of collecting feedback and suggestions on the new update request format and are sending it to our product team for consideration. I am not able to provide any additional information but the product team is aware of the concerns and are considering options to improve this functionality. 

  • Hi,

    Update requests for THE ENTIRE SHEET has disappeared and I am disappointed. 


    ....what happened to THIS?



    Old Update Requests (configured previously) have remained.... and I can no longer modify them or create an update request for the entire sheet; this makes everything complicated. 



    I want the Update Request for the ETIRE SHEET back. 


  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 11/09/15

    Alexandre, here is my post above which goes over the steps to create an update request for an entire sheet:


    -Single left click on the first row, row number

    -Hold shift and single left click on the last row, row number

    -Click the Update Requests tab

    -Click Create New Request  


    Creating an update request for an entire sheet might not be ideal because of the new form view. You may consider publishing your sheet instead.

  • Alexandre Faria
    edited 11/09/15

    Hi Travis,


    the old feature was removed (create an update for the entire sheet), I am disappointed.

    the new feature is time consuming and does not respond to the needs of many users, myself included

    PS: I would be happy with an advanced version of "send row", where I can schedule the row to be send again on a recurring basis.... 

    but getting the old "send update request to entire sheet" back is definitely a MUST.



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Thanks for the input! I will pass it along to our Product team who is currently evaluating the new changes to update requests. 

  • I agree with the previous users: the "send update request to entire sheet" feature really must come back! We use SmartSheet to gather statistics from over 20 affiliates and they need to be able to see the entire sheet to update their data, NOT just click thru one row at a time. With this new method the time it takes to complete wont make the program worth using. I did notice that only my new affiliates are affected and the previously scheduled requests havent been changed which is nice but I really need that feature back!

  • Hello Travis!


    We are all disappointed. A very popular and much needed feature was REMOVED from the System: the ability to schedule update requests for the ENTIRE SHEET without having to select the rows (which is silly); it used to be there before and was fantastic. Please reactivate it!



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Appreciate the feedback Alexandre! The Product team is aware of this feedback and is taking it into account while they evaluate the current update request functionality. 

  • Travis,


    According to you posting on Nov 9:


    "Thanks for the input! I will pass it along to our Product team who is currently evaluating the new changes to update requests."


    Why is it taking so long? We need an answer; will it come back or will it not? If it will and since it had already been there (why on earth was it removed?), I don't think your team needs over 2 months to reactivate it; at least users will have a choice.


  • Jamison
    Jamison ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just adding my support for this - particularly since it is still in the video available on the help site (i foud the updated version). 

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Alexandre, apologies for the delayed response! 


    I understand your concern and I made sure the product has seen this feedback. At this time, I do not know if they will decide to bring that feature back.  


    That being said, you are still able to send full sheet update requests by highlighting all the rows in your sheet, right click, and select Send Update Request. I understand this is not as quick as pressing a single button but a full sheet update request can still be sent out in just a few seconds. 

  • Hello there.


    Is there any further update on progress with re-enabling this feature?

    The new form system doesn't work for us, as we need an update on multiple rows in an easy to manage format, not a form layout.

    Publishing the sheet doesn't work for us as you can't schedule it to be sent at regular intervals.


    Can we please have some for information on:

    a) If and when it will be reactivated?

    b) If it won't be reactivated, why not?


    It is now over 6 months since the question was raised.


    Thank you

  • We need the ability to send an update request for all rows assigned to a certain contact within a sheet. 

This discussion has been closed.