Approval workflow with consolidated multiple rows

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I am looking for assistance with a workflow that gathers approvals using multiple rows as the source.  The challenge is that I'd like the approver to only receive a single email with all their required approvals. The data looks like this:

Supervisor   Employee   Item        Approve/Reject

Debbie         Kathy         Pancakes    

Debbie         Kathy         Eggs    

Debbie         Scott          Pancakes    

Ruben          Jason        Pancakes    

Ruben          Jason        Eggs    

Ruben          Jason        Bacon    

Barbara        Christoph  Pancakes    

Barbara        Christoph  Eggs    

Barbara        Christoph  Bacon    

Barbara        Stilla         Pancakes    

Barbara        Stilla         Eggs    

Barbara        Thomas    Bacon    


Ideally, Supervisor Barbara would receive a single email that allowed her to approve each line item for all her employees.  Less ideal would be a single email for each employee, and not at ideal would be a single email for each employee/item combination.  A supervisor may have dozens of employees with dozens of items, so the combinations lists get quite lengthy. A single email per combination would be worse than manual.


Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå Community Champion

    Hi Scott,

    Would it work with an Update Request workflow where she then would approve and go thru each row page by page?

    Another option could be to use a third party solution like DocuSign and then the supervisor only needs to approve that one document that could come from a report.

    Would that work?

    I hope this helps you!


    Andrée Starå - Workflow Consultant / Get Done


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • Hi Andrée,

    Thank you for the response. It's possible the Update request would work. I need to spend some time researching and understanding it more. The docusign solution is sort of where the manual process is at today. It doesn't work because each discrete line item needs to be approved, not approved as a whole entity. So in my data set above, Jason might be disapproved fro eggs, but approved for the rest.  Does that make sense?


  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå Community Champion

    Hi again Scott,

    I think I missed this when there was an issue with the forum.

    How did it go? Have you solved it?

    Have a fantastic weekend!


    Andrée Starå - Workflow Consultant / Get Done


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.