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Remove Outbound Links to Unknown sheet?

Matt Cochran
Matt Cochran ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hi,  i changed some sheets around in a workspace and ended up with a bunch of outbound links to unknown pages.


is there a way to remove all outbound links to unknown?  or am i stuck going one cell at a time and deleting?





  • SoniaR
    SoniaR ✭✭

    Hi Matt - 


    If the target sheet was deleted, you could undelete the sheet (click Home > Deleted Items, right-click the sheet to Undelete) and then bulk remove the links from the target sheet. To bulk remove the links, multi-select the cells (hold Ctrl on a PC or command on a Mac and then click the cells), right-click the selection, and click Remove Link. 


    If you run into any troubles with this, feel free to reach out to our Support team at support@smartsheet.com. 




  • Hi, I have a LOT of cells that have these <unknown link> in them in a single spreadsheet, and its going to be very tedious to remove all of them one at a time. I dont know the name of the original file they were linked to, and just want to globally remove them all. Is there a way to do that?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/18/17


    Please post an enhancement request here:


    These older posts are likely unmonitored. The Community Managers get promoted and/or move on and whether anyone at Smartsheet catches an update seems to be hit or miss.

    Smartsheet has made a small improvement here. If the source sheet is deleted, the Link In arrow is now red. A valid Link In will be blue.

    You can select multiple cells at once and remove the inbound links using the right-click menu, but there is not (yet) a "remove only invalid links" option. That means when you remove the links in a range, all of the inbound links are removed (outbound links are not removed).

    There is no way in the GUI to remove all invalid links in one or more sheets.



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    See my comment here:


    There is now a way to delete the <unknown sheet> references.


This discussion has been closed.