Updating Old Sheets with Improvements from Newer Sheets

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I have 25 project schedules, some of which are 6 months old. Over those 6 months, I have improved my schedule template over and over. The issue I have now is how to implement these improvements across all of my older templates.

For example, I've created conditional formatting with helps with reading my schedule. I'd like to have the same conditional formatting on all 25 schedules. So, how can I do that except typing it into each sheet, over and over again?

Another example, I have a column that includes a dropdown list that uses a specific list of values. I'd like that to have that exact column in all of my 25 schedules. How can I do this?

In short, I need to understand how to update my now outdated project schedules without re-creating these improvements one at a time for each sheet.


