ODBC changes date format

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

When refreshing the odbc connection, the date format has changed.



  • Hi Mark,

    I understand that you are seeing unexpected behavior with how Date fields are syncing with the Smartsheet Live Data Connector into Excel. Our Development team is aware of this date formatting issue affecting the Live Data Connector and are currently investigating this as urgent priority.

    I will reach back as soon as there has been a fix made by our Dev team.

    Thank you,


    Smartsheet Support

  • Hi Mark ,

    Thank you for your patience while our Development team has worked through the unexpected behavior affecting date fields with the Smartsheet Live Data Connector. Our Development team has confirmed that this is now resolved and Date values should now sync to the connected application successfully.

    Please try using the Smartsheet Live Data Connector with Excel now and reach back if you are still seeing invalid or null dates and I will help investigate further.

    Thank you,


    Smartsheet Support