Having an issue with the "filter" option in Smartsheet

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I am in one of my Smartsheet that clearly has a filter applied. However I can't locate the "dismiss filters" option. It seems to have disappeared. My workaround is that I changed the existing filter to select all of my data which allows me to see my entire worksheet. However, I can't dismiss the filter entirely. Please see the screen print attached that shows a filter in the "status" column and a screen print of the filter drop down menu.






Smartsheet Screen Print - Filters 4-3-18.jpg

Smartsheet Screen Print - Filter Drop Down 4-3-18.png


  • Chris McKay
    Chris McKay ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Lauren,

    Smartsheet has provided a dropdown filter menu near the top left of your screen. Selecting the "No Filter" option should clear any filters you have applied. The menu also allows you to create, save and share new filters with others that view the sheet.


  • Robin Sherwood

    You can also just click the filter icon on that filter menu to toggle the filter off (you don't have to open the menu and select "no filter". The "Dismiss Filters" option was removed when we made the filter menu visible all the time.