Setting up a Notification to send to myself

Andy.Mott ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I have an issue with Smartsheet and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I'm setting up a notification through the Alerts and Actions. I want to Smartsheet to send me a notification when one of my users updates a Row to tell me that an Order is being despatched. In the Delivery Settings, I have Shared user or email set up with my email address to send the Notification to. 

Ive figured out that this doesn't send the notification to me. Ive tried the same notification but using my colleagues email addresses and it will send the notification to them, but then when I change it back to my email it will not send to me. 

Is there something I am doing wrong. I am the Owner and Creater of the Sheet, is this something that is stopping sending notifications to me?
