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Outlook Integration question

Jamison ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

1. Is ther a roadmap for the further development of this featur?

2. When I go to use the Outlook tool, I am getting a bunch of markup data in the body text along with the actual body text of the email. How can i get rid of that so i don't have to delete it everytime:



Sent: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:25 AM






{font-family:"Cambria Math"}




{font-family:"Segoe UI"}




{font-family:"Segoe UI Semilight"}

p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal




font-family:"Times New Roman",serif}

a:link, span.MsoHyperlink





  • Hello Jamison,


    To answer your questions:


    1. "Is there a roadmap for the further development of this feature?"


    We currently don't have a roadmap published for this product. If you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know.


    2. "When I go to use the Outlook tool, I am getting a bunch of markup data in the body text along with the actual body text of the email. How can i get rid of that so i don't have to delete it everytime"


    I've never seen this before, and I attempted to reproduce on my system but didn't experience this problem. Can you send an email to api@smartsheet.com with the following information:


    • - The exact steps you are taking to produce this issue
    • - The version of office you are using

    - Screenshots of the page showing this code





  • Jamison
    Jamison ✭✭✭✭✭



    Suggestions after a week:


    1. speed it up. it is pretty pokey, both when coming up initially and while performing search

    2. instead of only searching, have a dropdown/search combo for choosing the sheet.

    3. quick add feature. preset destination sheet and columns for message data. would allow quick task addition.



  • Thanks for the feedback, Jamison.


    I'll pass this information over to the produce team for consideration.




This discussion has been closed.