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DocuSign Workflows

David Gordon
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I have created a Docusign workflow that links to a Shared Template and links the Smartsheet columns to the infiormation on the document. I tested and everything worked as expect, but then I hit a problem.


I now want to use the same workfliow for a number of people throughut the organisation, I create DocuSign account get them to link this to DocuSign using the Allow button, but then when they login there  is no workflow defined.,


I have jsut gone to considerable trouble to setup a workflow but there does not seem to be mechanism to share this workflow with my work collegues.


Please advise?


Kind regards

David Gordon



  • Hi David,


    You are correct, currently the workflows are limited to a single user account. Sharing capabilities would be very awesome!! As long as your colleagues have sharing access to the Docusign template and source sheet, they can recreate the workflow based on your instructions.


    Hope that helps!





  • HI Alina, and many thanks for the reponse and feedback.


    The workaround for us - and other who may be in a similar situation - is to create a generic Docusign account (e.g. procurement@xyz.com) and allow all internal staff to use this account in initiating the workflow, which now only needs to be created under one acount.


    In order to track who initiated the request the first signatory is the Requeter (e.g fred.bloggs@xyz.com).  As they are the first in the workflow they can also doubled check everyting looks good before forwarding on to the next participant, but do not neccessarily need to sign the document.


    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards


  • Dave, 


    That's an interesting idea! Are you using a contact column in the sheet to identify the first signer email address? Is that information pre-populated or is each workflow initiator adding their name manually before routing through SS/Docusign?




  • Hi Alina,

    Yes we are using a contact Columns in Smartsheet to identify all signatories.


    Within our templates these Contact columns are use to auto-populate the forms - but as suggested above you neccesdsarily have to include the Requester as a signatory.




  • Cathy Clark Thomas
    edited 03/13/17

    I too have run into this problem after taking the time to build the workflow. Only to find out I'm the only one that can use it. Has there been a fix for this yet that I'm just not aware of?




  • On the Smartsheet Labs sign in page for Docusign- cannot seem to login. It keeps on saying Authentication failed- tried my email and the API username. 

    I can log into Docusign no problem on their site. 

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