COUNTIF Date is in the next 180 days from today

Darcie Wilson
Darcie Wilson ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I'm trying to use the COUNTIF function to search a date column to count how many dates are within the next 180 days from today...but my formulas aren't working correctly.

Failed Attempt 1: =COUNTIF([Renewal Date]2, >=TODAY(+180))

Failed Attempt 2: =COUNTIF([Renewal Date]2, >=TODAY()180)

Failed Attempt 3: =COUNTIF([Renewal Date]2, AND(@cell >= TODAY(), @cell > TODAY(+180)))

What am I doing wrong?



  • Try this and see if it works:

    COUNTIF(Renewal Date1:Renewal Date402, >(TODAY() + 180))

    Update the Renewal Date1:Renewal Date 402 with the appropriate first and last cell in the column to be looked at

    The formula I am basing this off of is COUNTIF(Finish1:Finish402, >(TODAY() + 10)) which is looking for items in the next 10 days and it works for me.

  • This formula isn't calculating correctly.  It's calculating 3, but there are only 2 dates that are within the next 180 days.  See attachment


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I think you might actually want all dates that are less than Today + 180... so within the next 180 days. 

    =COUNTIF(Date1, <=TODAY(180))

    This one worked for me. But if you don't want it to count items that are in the past you would also want to edit it to the following. 

    =COUNTIFS(Date1, <=TODAY(180), Date1, >=TODAY())

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Sorry - edited for your current instance


    =COUNTIF([Renewal Date]2, <=TODAY(180))

    This one worked for me. But if you don't want it to count items that are in the past you would also want to edit it to the following. 

    =COUNTIFS([Renewal Date]2, <=TODAY(180), [Renewal Date]2, >=TODAY())

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