COUNTIFS on Status and Date Range

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hi Guys

I am trying to calculate instances whereby:

Status Column  = "Scheduled"


Date Column = date range 

One of my attempts is shown in the screenshot below, I have tried a few tweeks but can't seem to quite get it right.

Any help / advice / guidance would be most appreciated!


Smartsheet Snip.PNG



  • Robert S.
    Robert S. Employee

    Hello Sel,


    Thanks for the question. In looking at the formula in your screenshot, it looks correct based on what it sounds like you're looking for it to count. This is assuming that the references to the other sheet are set up correctly and the column types are set correctly.


    For this to work, both the date column on the Vehicle Installation Plan sheet and the Week column on this sheet need to be a Date column type. If one or both are Text / Number columns, this will results in a 0. Here's our Help Center article with more on the different column types if needed (


    If these columns are both set as Date columns, please explain how this formula isn't currently working and I'll be happy to help further.

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