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How to Hide an Obsolete Smartsheet

Ian Smith
Ian Smith ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

We've been using Smartsheet for a while now, and we're accumulating a number of completed projects.  We'd like to hide the completed projects so as to remove the clutter.


If we can't hide a Smartsheet, we would be okay with re-naming it with a prefix that indicated it was compelted or obsolete.


If we can't hide it or re-name it, can we deactive it somehow so that it doesn't keep showing up in our list of projects?


We would like to not have to delete our completed projects, but definetely need a way to avoid seeing them as active projects.






  • Terri Pavlovic
    Terri Pavlovic ✭✭✭✭

    I move old sheets into an Achive folder.  More info here:  https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/spring-clean-your-smartsheet-account 

  • Stephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could export the completed projects to excel and then delete the smartsheet.  That way you are keeping an archive record of your completed projects and it won't show up on your active projects list.

  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee

    Hello Ian, 


    Along with the link that Terri provided, here is an additional link we have with tips on archiving your sheets: https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/tips-support-don’t-delete-archive-your-sheet


    The owner of the sheet also has the option to re-name the folder to add a prefix as you described. The sheet owner can right click on the sheet tab and select Rename to accomplish this. 


    This along with the other tips mentioned by Stephanie and Terri, and the tips in the article provided will all serve as possible options to keep your sheets organized. 



  • Hi Ian,


    Along the same idea of Stephanie's suggestion, one strategy would be to have a sheet named "Archived Projects" that would hold all of your archived project data.



    Here are a few more detailed steps on how to accomplish this:


    First, you would right click on the Project Sheet Name and select your preferred export format. This example will use the “Request Backup” option because it enables you to export PDF attachments in addition to an excel file.


    Next, you will receive the backup file download link via email.


    You can then upload the file(s) in to your “Archived Projects” sheet.


    Hope that helps!


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