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Copying Alerts/Reminders



    Sam COSDENT ✭✭✭

    Please add up one more vote for me via this function as well, please. As it is just a pain when we can generate the set sheet and would like to expand but need to config the detail as it would copy the same user along with the sheet when want to have the same notification rule set up. It will then be much easier if there is a function that we would like to keep the rule with more flexibility to choose what needs to bring across and what's not.  

    Wish this stuff will pass through soon. 


  • lknight32486

    I would also like to add my vote to add the copy/paste alert function. 


    For our Microsoft Teams usage, I manage multiple releases across multiple products separated out by One Channel per Product.

    For us to manage our SmartSheets, we use the copy/paste functionality to create multiple release plans within one SmartSheet.

    With this process, we would then wish for the alerts to copy so that notifications for a certain process/deliverable are set for each Release Plan. This would then eliminate the need for me to manually add these alerts every release cycle for each product. (Talk about a time suck!)

    Thank you!


  • Kelsey Olguin

    Same here. I would like to copy notifications from a template or other sheet to the new sheet created from that template.  So that the reminder/automation is set and ready to go to the assigned person. 

  • Audrey W

    Any word on the possibility of implementing this into Smartsheet? Would be EXTREMELY helpful if there was a copy/paste for reminders.

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