Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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Minutes of meeting

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I am looking for a template to do minutes of meeting in smartsheet.

The purpose is to pull out the tasks out of various MOM or other sheets and be able to pull a report for all my open tasks - no matter where they are.

Minutes of meeting, to do lists, punch lists...


  • I have not done it myself but I would think you should be able to achieve it by using basic task list template for all your action items taken during the meeting. you can have a sheet per meeting if you like. Set a report from all the sheets where the status column of the task/Action is not marked "complete"

  • ✭✭✭✭

    MF - I used one of the canned templates from Smartsheet called "Meeting Agenda, Attendance, & Follow-Up" and then tweaked it a bit for my needs.  That template already has a few task columns (owner, start, end, etc.) so you can add a Status column and add various statuses like "Open", "Completed", "Not Started", etc.


    Then, assuming you'll use a new sheet for each meeting, create a report that queries all of these sheets to pull rows that contain your open tasks.  In other words, build a report that queries all of those sheets for any rows where the Status column = Open.  You can edit the row right from that report which will also update the source sheet, which might be desirable, so that you can update the status column from there instead of having to access each minutes sheet.


    Lastly, you can also email that report on a recurring basis.  I do this for one of my reports...I have it email me any open tasks once a week.


    Is that helpful at all?



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