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How can I extract the discussions on a row in a sheet ?

Brent Taira
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts



For a given row, I may have 20-30 entries.  I would like to extract the entries and put them into another format so that they could be shared with others who do not use Smartsheet.


Can you let me know if anyone has figured out how to do this on a "row" basis?


Also, is there a limit to the number of discussions that could be tied to the row?





  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee

    Hello Brent, 


    Currently there isn't a way to extract discussions specifically from a row, or export a single row, but I'll add your vote for this capability to our enhancement request list. 


    You can export a sheet to Excel (http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/portal/articles/770623) which will include all discussions on the second tab of the Excel workbook as a way to extract the discussions. By default exporting the sheet will export the entire sheet, but you can filter the sheet to only show the row or rows you wish to extact > save the sheet > then export and only the visible rows and their discussions will be exported as an alternitive. 



  • Hi Zack,


    I know about the method that you mentioned, but that method is a bit kludgy, so hopefully the capability could be added in the future.  Each row in one of my sheets is related to a task.  Seeing the history of the discussions is very dififcult as you have to do a lot of clicking just to open each of the discussions.  Also, we need to share the history of discussions with other teams but don't want to share the Smartsheet with them.




  • I am also looking to do the same thing. I'd like to create a report that will extract any new discussions added to any row within a time period. For example, I have a group fo people that would like to see discussions added every week. Thanks. 

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Erin - one option is to set up weekly notifications on the Discussion column. This would send any changes to Discussions to selected users once a week and wouldnt include any other sheet changes. 

  • BTW - My work around was to add a column for discussions.



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