Need to set a date with formula whenever new task is entered

Tauri ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions



Among the other columns i have 2 columns named "Task Name" and "Start Date". What i would like to create now, is whenever new line is entered to "Task Name", the current date will appear automatically to "Start Date" row and date should remain as date when task was entered.

I tried following: =IF([Task Name]5 > "0"; TODAY()), but it keeps on changing the date to current date.


Can you please advise,




  • Alison
    Alison Employee

    Hello Tauri,

    This is a great question!  Have you considered using a Created (Date) System Column?  This would put in a timestamp for the creation time of this row.  You can find further information on this at our Help Center here.  Our System Columns wouldn't work as the Start Date in the dependency settings, however.

    This won't update every day, as our TODAY function will, so it should always display the date on which you created the individual row.


    Kind regards,


    Smartsheet Support

  • Tauri
    Tauri ✭✭

    Hi Alison.


    Thanks for the quick response.


    Unfortunately System column will not work in my case. Thats mainly because i have preconfigured blank rows with formulas already applied. When i apply Created(Date) System column, it will automatically add the date when i created the preconfigured rows. If i apply Modified(Date) System Column, then it will also take in to consideration all other changes made on that particular row, but i only need "fixed" date when "Task Name" was entered, or in worst case modified(which could also work).



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