I am having difficulty with the VLOOKUP working.  It will work one day and the next time I come back to the sheet it does not work.  If I go and update the 1st column in my table then the formula will start working again.  The only update I am doing is typing exactly what is in the field over.  I have to update all the rows in my table, even though it worked a couple days before.



  • Hannah H
    Hannah H ✭✭✭✭✭

    I had an issue with VLOOKUP, which is potentially the same as the one you are describing. 

    Have a look at the Reference Another Sheet window and check the Sheet reference name box. Does it relate to the sheet you are expecting? 

    I was finding that this box was renaming itself to a different sheet and I had to manually enter the correct sheet name to fix the error.

    I hope this helps.