Meeting/Projects in an academic environment

Deb Schindler
Deb Schindler ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I'm chair of subcommittee that reports to the curriculum committee. My subc has monthly meetings, for which I need an agenda, minutes, and materials for the members to access and edit. A large part of our work is reviewing each required course in our curriculum (and there's a process for preparing materials and reviewing). Courses in med school start/end at various times (not the usual fall/spring semester). Parts of both the "Project Tracking and Rollup" set and the "Meeting Management" set seem like they should work. I've been working on two screens trying all kinds of things. What I can't figure out is this:

1. Can I combine elements of these two sets into one Workspace? Or do the "sets" only work as sets with the items currently provided in them?

2. How do I set up my "projects"- i.e. the review of each course (20-25) each of which has 7-8 steps? Setting up each as a separate project seems like a lot of sheets. We have to do this every year. There are lots of project and task sheets available.

Any advice greatly appreciated. Deb
