CountIF incorrect

rlakin52911 ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Im trying to count the number of total number of "Open" "Risks" in another sheet

=COUNTIFS({RAID Log Range 1}, "Risk") + (COUNTIFS({RAID Log Range 2}, "Open"))

I only have 1 open risk but its returning 5. This is because its counting the total number of "open" AND "Risks" into my count. How do I write the formula to be explicit to only count Risks that are open? 



  • rlakin52911
    rlakin52911 ✭✭✭

    Found it, this worked:

    =COUNTIFS({RAID Log Range 2}, "Open", {RAID Log Range 1}, "Risk")

    how would I add another option to Range 2

    =COUNTIFS({RAID Log Range 2}, "Open" OR "Escalated", {RAID Log Range 1}, "Risk")

    Show me all Risks that are Open or Escalated?

  • Hi,


    when you want something like "OR" with a SUMIF, you need to add multiple SUMIF :

    ' =COUNTIFS({RAID Log Range 2}, "Open", {RAID Log Range 1}, "Risk") + COUNTIFS({RAID Log Range 2}, "Escalated", {RAID Log Range 1}, "Risk") '


    Does this help ?


    Best Regards,



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