DropBox attachment UI = no sort by date?

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

We're trying to replicate our local file server to DropBox so we have better integration between our files and SmartSheet. 

My testing was all going great until I went to a SmartSheet row to attach a file via DropBox. I selected Attach>DropBox and the DropBox file attachment UI opened.

The problem is that there's no way to sort any folders or files from that UI. There are only two options: "My Files" and "Recents" and for a given task we often work through many versions of a doc.

I backed out and took at look at attaching files via Google Drive and there the UI does provide a "sort by" option.

Does anyone know a workaround to the anemic DropBox file chooser that would allow SmartSheet to sort DropBox files by date?






  • Hi Chris—

    This is the UI that dropbox provides via their API and as such, there currently isn't a workaround to get the functionality that you want (unless dropbox decides to change their file picker UI allowed from their API). 

    You may consider the alternative of using something like Google Drive that does provide this UI.