Rofonic27 ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I think I have formulated myself into a corner.  What I am attempting to do is create a total number of all open projects based on the multiple status options in 5 separate columns.  So, if the data in columns Stats1:Stats5 match X or Y or X, return that total count.  

I am able to do this for One status... =COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status5], "Complete") .  I need it to look for multiple statuses. And although this works for the one status, it appears to be looking at the other columns in between Status1:Status5. Which is not what I intended.  I Only want to be looking at columns Status1, Status2, etc.   

1) How do I write this to Only look in specific columns; 2) How do I write this to look for the multiple status options?  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  



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