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Hierarchy created via Web Form

David Goyer
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts



I'm wondering if it is possible to create a hierarchy via a web form.  Each parent row would have the same child rows/tasks.  So for example, I want to use a web form to a) create a parent row, say "Project 1" and b) create the same tasks for each project.  Is this possible?





  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Web forms are only used to add new rows to your sheet - It is not possible to create hierarchies via web forms. Once the rows are added, you can open the sheet and manually indent to create hierarchies.


    If you have the same tasks for multiple projects, you can copy and paste the rows containing the tasks under each project parent row. 

  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Create a default sheet that has the structure you require in it, Hierarchy and default tasks.

    Create a User sheet that is structured in exactly the same way but without the hirearchy and default tasks

    Every time you jhave a new project open the default Select all rows and Right mouse and select Copy to different sheet, specify sheet and the rows will appear in the user sheet. Rename Project description on the hierearchy.

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