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Linking parent & child "discussion icon"

Is it possible to link individual child "discussion icons" from a user(s) to the parent "discussion icon"?


  • Norbert Zobler
    edited 11/04/15

    ie from individual sheet to master sheet

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Norbert, it sounds like you are asking if you can link discussions between sheets, correct? This isn't possible at moment but I will add your vote for this enhancement request! 

  • yes, by the same user that already has links between two sheets.


    Would be nice, because the inididual is providing low level tasks, but at the higher reporting sheet, we need to see/understand the comments by this individual without jumping to/from each sheet.

  • Hello Travis,


    I agree with Norbert and this would be a great resource, I am currently trying to implement another way of capturing data when the Discussion feature was the cleanest way possible.  Did not know they could not be linked at the time.  Is there an expected date that this could be available?  



  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 03/24/16

    Hi Christopher, this has not been added to our near term roadmap, but I will add your vote for it.


    You can see what we are currently working on by checking out our product roadmap: https://www.smartsheet.com/product-roadmap

  • Mendy Burns
    edited 03/02/17



    Add my vote to the list to add this feature. It is difficult to utilize Smartsheet as a true collaboration tool if you cannot capture the comments across several sheets into one Master sheet for reporting purposes. 


    I'm interested in your feedback to understand if there is a 'good enough' solution or suggestion to fit the need in the last year.

This discussion has been closed.