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Smartsheet for Inventory using QR codes

LuCi ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hello everyone,


I'm a teacher who has to manage a "MakerSpace" - a design studio with lots of electronic equipment. It would be ideal if I could place a QR code sticker on an object, take a snapshot of it with the camera on an ipad, and arrive at the inventory Smartsheet that I've created where this object's original purchase price, date of purchase, next sheduled maintenance, etc is tracked.


Is this possible? Any pointers or walk-through by an more experienced user would be much appreciated!




  • LuCi
    LuCi ✭✭

    Thanks Travis! I am pressing pause on my "Liquid Planner" crash course tutorial and closing the window for purchasing "Home Inventory" app right now to try out your solution - could really help my SmartSheet use!


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Happy to hear you are giving Smartsheet a try! I think you will be happy with your results :)


    Here is my post from this thread:


    LuCi, you can absolutely have a QR code that brings you to a sheet on your iPad, containing information about the item.   


    Here are the steps:

    1. Open the sheet on your computer and select the Sharing tab

    2. Copy the Secure Sheet Link

    3. Create a QR code from the Secure Sheet Link (there are many options for this. Google search "QR code generator")

    4. Print and adhere the QR codes to your items

    5. Scan items with a QR code scanner on your iPad  


    Scanning the QR code will bring you to the sheet containing the information.

    Depending on your settings and version of iOS, you might be brought to the Smartsheet website. There will be a button to open the Smartsheet app (just make sure you have it installed first!).   


    Let me know if you run into any issues with this!

  • LuCi
    LuCi ✭✭

    MANY THANKS! It looks like it worked, although I can't confirm on my iphone 4 since smartsheet for iphone requires IOS8 which iphone4 can't support - but will have school install on up-to-date ipads and move forward - THANKS AGAIN and have a noce weekend

  • We are new to this and are looking to find a way to use smartsheet to track our inventory. I am finding it difficult to find information or videos on this. Do you think barcodes or QR would be better? Any advice or help would be welcome. -Meredith

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