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Rich version of Reports in iFrame

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I want to display via iframe on my website a report returning only certain information. This information should be able to be slightly manifpulated from the report view, by visitors to the website.


For instance:

1. I have 1 main sheet with all the columns and rows of information possible, but I don't want all of that displayed

2. I use a report to filter down to the columns I want to display

3. I filter the rows of the people who are relevant

4. I embed an iframe of this report view into my website, but it is read only

*5. I would like these people to be able to interact with this view by checking boxes next to the rows displayed on my website.


I don't want to display the actual sheet in an iframe because this would show all the information in the sheet. If I filter the columns in the sheet view, when I embed an iframe, the filters don't apply. 


Can someone help? Thank you! mm


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Matty, build a report showing only the columns you want to show and set the report criteria to only show the rows you want to show. Then publish the report through the Publish tab at the bottom of the report.


    When you publish a report, you get an iFrame code that can be added to your website.


    You mentioned you want the report to be read only but you want users to interact by checking boxes? Published reports will always be read only. Published sheets can be editable and you can limit the columns they can edit (by locking columns).

  • Hi Travis, This is a great explanation for what I orginally asked. However, I don't think I articulated my intent well enough for you though. Let me try this way: I'll give the end result I'm looking for, and maybe you can tell me the solution to get there. 


    My intent:

    1. Display smartsheet information on my website in a single iframe

    2. This information should have information from multiple sheets

    3. Certain columns of the source information should be hidden

    4. Certain rows of the source information should be filtered

    5. Certain columns of the displayed information should be editable


    Could this be a:

    1. Report? But how would this be interactable without a non-"read only" version

    2. Sheet? But how would this pull from multiple sheets


    I don't think GSheets cracked this code yet either, but they are getting close to it with the "=importRange" function. The only other solution I found is Zapier, but this would take multiple Zaps, which increases the likeliness of a single point of failure... failing. 


  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 11/20/15

    Thanks for clarifying, Matty!


    There is not a way to publish editable reports - so it sounds like this is not an option for you.


    You could use cell linking to link rows/cells from multiple sheets to a single sheet. Destination linked cells are not editable so any fields that need to be edited should be added directly to the sheet, rather than cell linked. 


    Here's information on cell linking: http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/en/portal/articles/861579-cell-linking

  • Lisa
    Lisa ✭✭✭

    I am still looking for a way to do this.

    Or a way of editing the rows directly from the Smartsheet app without having to pull out the row with the edit row feature.

    Checking boxes off using the Smartsheet app is very clunky.

    Any way to do this?

  • Hi Lisa,

    You might try freezing your checkbox column to make navigation easier while you're checking boxes. Details on this are available in our help center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/504694-freezing-unfreezing-columns

This discussion has been closed.