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Embed a smartsheet iframe into Google site?

Matty ✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

This seems like a no-brainer, and maybe it has to do more with google's secret jealousy of SS, but why the f*#k can't I embed a SS iframe into a Google Site that I make for the company? This seems like the first thing any joint venture between google and SS would ensure possible. Can you please help?! :-)


  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee



    I can confirm that you are able to embed a Smartsheet iframe into a Google Site. We have several sheets embeded in some internal sites we have for the company.Β 


    Please contact support@smartsheet.com and provide some details as to what seems to not be working correctly, and we'll be happy to triage if the issue stems from Smartsheet or if there is something wrong on the Google side of things. This can help point you in the right direction to get the issue resolved.Β 



  • Glen Durrant
    Glen Durrant ✭
    edited 07/27/16

    Hi there - Same issue - Trying to embed a smartsheet into a Google site - Trying to use the Google HTML box with TheΒ <IFRAME WIDTH=1000 HEIGHT=700 FRAMEBORDER=0 SRC="https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=XXXXXXXXXXXXX"></IFRAME> Code


    Google immediately identifies SRC as an illegal tag and blocks the include - Please can you provide explicit instructions on how to include FORMS and SHEETS on Google SITES - this is an essential workflow requirement for widescale adoption. Thanks.

  • I am experiencing the same issue. I have attempted to embed on a Google site using each of the publish options on Smartsheet and with and without SSL and receive the same error from Google, "This will only show a link, since no additional information was made available by the website."Β 

  • Hi Kristopher-- Sorry to hear this! We're not experiencing any issues with the sheets we have embedded in internal Google sites, so please reach out to Support@Smartsheet.com for further troubleshooting on this. Please include a screen capture of the error message in your email. Thanks!

  • Hello - I am having the same issue and cannot embed my smartsheet into my google site.


    I use the "Embed URL" and I get this error:


    Note: This will only show a link, since no additional information was made available by the website.


    It would be beneficial if Smartsheet folks could post a solution here as opposed to making us each contact support.


    The only people here that can get this to work seem to be Smartsheet people.






  • All,

    Just last week, I contacted Smartsheet customer support about this and here is the response:

    1.Β Β It looks like our URLs are not publishable on their own. As Google displays, they don't offer enough information for the sheet to be embedded with the URL alone. To display yourΒ Smartsheet on your Google site, you'll need to use the IFrame embed code listed on theΒ PublishΒ tab of your sheet under the publish option you've chosen.Β 

    2.Β As we're not trained on Google Sites, I won't be able to assist in this. You will want to reach out to Google to request information on how to use an embedded iFrame code to display information on your sheets.Β 


    I would love to hear from Kennedy StompsΒ or Zack SΒ on how they were able to do this.






  • Hi Gregg! Apologies for the delayed response--this post was just brought to my attention. I'm sorry you got this response from our team. I took a look at this case and I think you're running into trouble because you're using "New Google Sites", which is a very recent release from Google and likely not related to the earlier replies in this thread.

    The "New Sites" is a version of Google Sites designed to be more lightweight and user-friendly than the classic version of Sites. As a result, there are some features that haven't yet been added (or may not be added) to Sites--one of these is the ability to embed HTML code generated by applications like Smartsheet. It looks like there are quite a few limitations to the "New Sites", actually, which are more fully outlined here.

    I did a bit of investigation and, unfortunately, there's just not a way to embed HTML code into "New Sites". You would need to create the site in the Classic version of Sites in order to do this. This is really frustrating, and I would definitely suggest reaching out to Google to suggest that they support HTML embedding in "New Sites".

    I'm also going to reach out to our Product team and suggest that we consider allowing customers to embed sheets into Sites using the basic Publish URL (rather than an embed code), which could be necessary if Google doesn't plan to support HTML embedding in "New Sites".

    Let me know if you have any additional questions on this--happy to help!Β 

    Kennedy, Technical Support Lead

  • Thanks for the response Kennedy.

    I am able to embed other sites into the new Google Sites ... for example, Soundcloud works rather well.

    In the mean time, I will reach out to Google and see what they say.





  • Dave-T
    Dave-T ✭

    Just noting that I too need this feature.Β 

    I think Smartsheet needs to reach out to Google to figure out what parameters "new Sites" wants so that Smartsheet project can be properly embedded.Β 

  • AlliM
    AlliM ✭
    edited 10/06/17

    FWIW, I found this video that helped me figure out how to embed a smartsheet in google sites. Β You go to the insert menu select other gadgets. Β Search under public for iframe, then you paste the regular publish urlΒ (versus the iframe/embed version), and voila! Β You've got your embedded sheet. Β https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU0xh0zgykY&nbsp;

  • @AlliM

    That youtube video uses the classic google sites - not the new google sites.

    However, it appears that Google and Smartsheet worked it out because I can now embed a google form in the new google sites!

    Use the unique URL for the form (not the embed code). You find this by clicking on "Forms"Β in the Smartsheet dashboard. The main Forms screen that pops up has the URL right there for you. Copy that to you clipboard.

    Then, in the new google sites, using the menu on the far right (INSERT, PAGES, THEMES tabs) - in the INSERT tab, click on "Embed URL" and paste the URL in the field that pops up. You will see google sites think for a bit, then your form will appear.Β 

    Thanks Smartsheet and Google for getting this to work!






  • lah19
    lah19 ✭

    Hi Kennedy. Do you know if SmartSheet will allow customers to embed sheets into Google Sites using the link to a Read Only published workspace? I've tried it in Google Sites classic and it doesn't work for me. I've also tried embedding a published Edit by Anyone workspace and that hasn't worked for me, either. Ideally, I want to display a SmartSheet workspace without allowing the viewers to make any edits.Β Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.

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