Formula Between Date

Lori Khoury
Lori Khoury ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong in this formula?

=COUNTIFS({HITRUST CAP Milestone Plan v2 - EIS & Sec Range 3}"remediated") AND({HITRUST CAP Milestone Plan v2 - EIS & Sec Range 4}<=(2018,6,30),>=(2018,4,1))


I am trying to count if Range 3 (Status) is remediated and Range 4 (date completed ) is between 2 dates. 





  • Sterling
    Sterling ✭✭
    edited 11/19/18
    Hi Lori,
    COUNTIFS() should automatically count cells that meet all the criteria so the AND() seems to me to be unnecessary, try this formula:

    =COUNTIFS({HITRUST CAP Milestone Plan v2 - EIS & Sec Range 3}, "remediated", {HITRUST CAP Milestone Plan v2 - EIS & Sec Range 4}, <= DATE(2018, 6, 30), {HITRUST CAP Milestone Plan v2 - EIS & Sec Range 4}, >= DATE(2018, 4, 1))

    Hope this helps!

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