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Identifying Main tasks & Sub tasks / Identifying last child nodes in hierarchy

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hi All,


I'm new to Smartsheet. I would like to know how could I get to know a task is a Main task or Sub task using Smartsheet APIs,


My requirement is to consider all the Subtasks (Child rows) in a smartsheet for some calculation purpose.


When I see a smartsheet, I can do indentation and I can recognise which is Main task and which is Subtask. How do I do the same using APIs?


Please suggest if you have any idea on identifying Sub task.





  • With the Smartsheet API, the fact that a row is a child row of another row is indicated by the presence of the parentId attribute on the Row object. If present, that property on a Row object specifies the value of the parent row’s Id.


    • If the parentId attribute is null (or not present) on a Row object in a response, this indicates that the Row is a top-level row (i.e., is not a child of any other row).
    • If the parentId attribute of a Row object is not null, this indicates that the Row is a child of the row that has Id corresponding to the parentId value.
  • sanjayon19
    edited 12/03/15

    Dear Kim Brandl, Thanks for your reply.


    Based on your reply I understand that we can identify a task as Main task or not.

    But as a Smartsheet User,  I can add multiple levels of Subtasks. In that case how do I Identify & pick the least level of Child node programatically? With every row I can get whether there is a parentID associated with it or not. In similar way can I get whether a child and childID is associated with it or not?


    Rephrasing the question in other way, how do I get a list of all rows for which no further nesting/child nodes available.?


    Thanks & Regards


  • You'll need to use parentId (as previously described) to derive row hierarchy within the Sheet.  i.e., execute a "Get Sheet" request, then iterate through the rows in the response, using the parentId attribute to derive row hierarchy (i.e., which rows are "sub tasks" of other rows).

  • mtrifiro
    mtrifiro ✭✭
    edited 02/04/17

    Relatedly: Is there any way to build a filter or a formula that can identify the parent/child? I want to run a filter that omits child rows and right now I'm using a manual hack by creating a column in which I manually note the hierarchy. I would prefer it to be formulaic. An ideas or tips?

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