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Color Coding for Past Events

Donna Kirby
Donna Kirby ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts



New Smartsheet user, and trying to figure out this awesome tool!  Let me start with a basic question:


So, we are using a Calendar of Events to help keep us on track for events that we have occuring here at our minor league ballpark.  I'd like to be able to highlight events that have past already.  I know in Excel it would be similar to a Conditional Formatting set-up.  Does Smartsheet have this functionality?  Better question - how do I do this in Smartsheet?


Thank you!




  • Jim Hook
    Jim Hook ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Smartsheet has a great conditional formatting capability, better than Excel in my opinion and easier to use. You start by opening a sheet that you want to do the formatting on and clicking on the conditional formatting icon right below the text formatting area on the left of the screen. The conditional formatting is done based on the content of cells in sheet rows (the same rules apply to all rows in the sheet). Click on Add New Rule and then at the bottom of the conditional formatting rules click on Set Condition and then select a column that will trigger the formatting and then Select Criteria, set the criteria and click OK. I use "define custom criteria" the most because it gives complete flexibility. Then select the format you want to apply (everything including font, size and fill color is available). Finally, select whether you want the format to apply to the complete row or just one conlumn in the row. I do a lot of data validation on input from others and fill with red if it is not proper and either no fill or green if it's ok.

  • Jim Hook
    Jim Hook ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I forgot to mention that the criteria that triggers the formatting can be dates, numbers, text, check boxes, etc., etc. Very flexible.

  • Donna Kirby
    Donna Kirby ✭✭
    edited 12/01/15

    That worked like a charm, Jim!  Thank you so much!!  You're right - very flexible and easy to understand!  Much appreciated!

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