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Couple questions about Publishing to Google Cal

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

1. Which of the project partipants are Google cal's synched with? Can it be setup so it only synch's with specific person's calender that is assigned the task (and not project admins)?

2. Can a task be scheduled with specific times (or only entire days)?


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi RC! 


    1. This is on an individual basis and anyone can add their Smartsheet calendar to their Google Calendar. To do this, the user will need to open the sheet, go to calendar view and select the Publish to Google Calendar button. However, all tasks in the sheet will be added to Google - there is not a way to select specific tasks to be included (such as only 'my tasks')


    2. Tasks cannot be scheduled for specific times (although you can track this in a Text/Number column). Smartsheet supports scheduling tasks by weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. To do this, when setting the duration use the first letter of the duration type to signify the type. For example: 1w 2d 1h 30m 30s

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