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Date based formula problem

Phil Smith
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi there


Can anyone help me with the following formula please? I've published a form which we use for collecting 'hours spent' on each project per day of week (based on a 'week commencing' field).


I alreday have a report which then pulls out the time spent based on 'individual' and 'project' but I can't get the 'by week commencing' to return anything (comes back as a 0 in the totals column)


I'm guessing that I don't have something right with the DATE part of the formula. I have tried the SUMIF both ways, with the Total Hours at the start and at the end of the formula. 


=SUMIF([Week Commencing]:[Week Commencing], "=DATE(2016,1,3)", [Total Hours]:[Total Hours])


Sample data below:




Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks






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