Removing/Adding people/resources in card view

Jen Niemann
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi there! I am seeking some advice on how to ensure that when you add someone in Grid view that they show up in card view as well. I am also needing some advice on how to remove someone who has nothing assigned to them from the "Assigned To" view in card view. Is this possible? Thanks in advance!


  • Alejandra
    Alejandra Employee

    Hi Jen,

    Because Card View is driven by the Dropdown list, Symbol, and Contact List column types, adding values to the Contact List column properties, will create a lane for each contact. If someone doesn’t have tasks assigned to them, you’ll want to remove them from the Contact List column properties —this will delete their lane.

    You could also consider collapsing the lane, if you will be assigning tasks to them in the future:

    Collapse a Lane arrow