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Is there a way to stop columns from moving?

Erica Ringer
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Are licensed users that have only "Viewer" access able to move columns? My columns keep "mysteriosly" moving. I am the admin and I am not moving the columns. Do you know if this is allowed or a bug? Have any of you had this issue before? The same 3/4 columns keep moving to the end and based on Help Center articles, nobody should have access to move columns other than the admin (me).


Thanks for your help!


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Erica, only Admins and the sheet owner can move columns. Viewers do not have the ability to make any changes in a sheet.   The Support team can help troubleshoot this by looking in the sheet's history log. Email support@smartsheet.com with the name of the sheet and the approximate time and date the columns were moved.


    I will check in with the Support team to make sure you get a quick response! 

  • Thanks!!


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