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using secure sheet link

Steph ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I havea  brand new work sheet.  Would like to use secure sheet link.   It's not clear if I must send the old shared invite first and then send a second email with the secure link or if I can send the secure sheet link from the get go?  


What's the difference in the link they get in the original share invite and the secure link?  I want them to use the secure link from the beginning. 




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/13/16



    I believe that the secure link is just a short cut.

    If the person is logged into Smartsheet, they can navigate to the sheet as normal.


    If they are not logged in, they can enter the link in their browser at it will take them to Smartsheet, ask for login info (if necessary - mine remembers me since I rarely log out) and take them directly to the sheet.


    It is described much better here:



    Hope that helps.



  • Steph
    Steph ✭✭
    Thanks. I had read the article. I am a consultant and working with a large group of non-licensed users. We are capturing sensitive information on the smart sheet. I need to send it out so they can review only. I read that publishing means anyone can access it, so I know I need to share instead. My confusion is do I first send an invite that provides a button in their email. Then follow with an email the this the link they can save somewhere or is the button in their email for the original share invite the same secure URL?

    Thanks so much. I have to get this right, so I have been waiting to make sure I understand what will happen.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Steph, the link in the original sharing email and the Secure sheet link might be different URLs but they are both secure links that will take the user directly to the sheet (as long as they are shared to the sheet). 

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