Report Builder: Include Only Top Level Gantt Chart Rows


I'd like to design a report of overdue projects in my Gantt chart. I can easily design a report showing all incomplete, over due tasks. But what if I only want the top level items on the report ... those that are not indented?

Using this forum, I read an answer to another question that prompted me to add a new column called "Top Level", in which I put an "x". So, how do I specify that the report should only output rows with "x" in "Top Level"?

I tried sorting, but that's not limited the report to Top Level records, only sorting all tasks.

Here's what's in the Report Builder:

  • Where: My sheet
  • Who: Blank
  • What: % Complete is < 1
  • When: Finish is in the future.

Thanks all.





  • Angie Hatfield
    Angie Hatfield ✭✭✭✭

    Here's what I would try. I would put a column in named as you want and then put an X in the applicable row. Then add it as a What in the report builder. It will then only includes those with the X in the row in your results. Or where the field is not blank. That would be the simplest thing I think I would try.

    You don't have to include the column in your results, just to get the data.

  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You should only need to add another level to your report under the What? column. Select What? again and add your new column and that you want to see those that are checked. 

  • Perfect! That did it. But what I was having trouble with was how to add a 2nd "What". 

    Now I see that Step 1 is to click "What", then Step 2 allows you to select multiple fields for multiple criteria.
