Gantt Chart Milestone separate from Task Duration

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


In the Gantt Chart view, is it possible to plug in a milestone date in a task row that is separate from the duration of the task? I see that I can plug in milestones at the end of a specific task, but I am trying to plug in a milestone (to see the little diamond symbol) that is not related to the start/end date of that task. 

Opportunity A: Start Date-1/1/19, End Date-2/1/19, Milestone Date 6/30/2019. (If the start/end date move, that does not necessarily mean that the anticipated award date would move.) 

Thank you!




  • Isaac Jose
    Isaac Jose Employee


    Thanks for your post. It sounds like you want to create a milestone that is related to your task but is not tied to the start or end date of that task. To do this, you'll want to insert the row for your milestone and ensure that it does not have any predecessors. When predecessors are defined, the dates in that row will always be tied to the dates of the preceding task or milestone. I've included a screenshot below. Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 are not dependent upon the dates of any other task, and Milestone 3 is tied to the end date of Subtask 3.1 

    Additional information on Projects, Predecessors, and Milestones can be found in our Learning Center:

    I hope this helps!

    Isaac J

    Smartsheet Support

    Project Template.PNG