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drop down list data validation

Steve Hayes
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Can i make a drop down list referance a range of cells on another sheet?

(like in excel i can name a range of cells and use that named range in a data validation drop down list)


  • Bob Stevens
    edited 01/21/16

    Why would you want to reference another sheet for the list?  Smartsheet allows you to create the drop down list within the sheet/column.  Excel does not support the logic to build the drop down list within a column so you must either reference a range of cells or create list (can be difficult and confusing if more than a couple items) within the Data Validation List option. 

    I much prefer the option to create drop down list within Smartsheet and not have to link to other cell ranges or hide columns within a sheet.  It is easier to update, manage and edit especially if there are a number of selections.

    Keep in mind if you are using Conditional Formatting for that column in Smartsheet you will need to remove the formating before updating the drop down list. 

  • Steve Hayes
    edited 01/21/16

    "Why would you want to reference another sheet for the list?"

    - because i want to use the same list on a multiple of sheets - this will be a list of contractors i work with and when i run cross workspace reporting by resposable party i want to make sure a have a valitated (and editable) data source so the reporting runs acuratly (so if a user on one sheet i call John Smith and another calles him John S we dont report for 2 diferent people)

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Steve, first I would recommend using Contact List columns rather than Dropdown Lists to assign tasks to users. Contact Lists can autoresolve based on members of your team or contact list which will help when multiple users are assigning tasks across sheets. 


    Also Contact Lists gives you more options with features like resource management and reminders. 


    There is not a built in feature that will take a list and update multiple Dropdown Lists on multiple sheets - but this is possible with third party integrations.


    Azuqua is a service that uses our API to perform automated actions and workflows and can do exactly what you are looking for (although a little expensive). Here's information on the service: https://azuqua.com/integrate-smartsheet


    A Smartsheet consultant (Richard Rymill) recently created a custom integration that also will do this. Here's the thread where he talks about it: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/suggestion-dynamic-lists?page=1


    His email address is: richardr@smarterbusinessprocesses.com 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/27/16

    I'm just starting to play with Azuqua myself and I've seen Richard's demo and it is quite impressive for this feature.




  • I too would like validation from a separate sheet within Smartsheet instead of having to create (and manage) same list of dropdown options across multiple sheets.

    This is not only for resources but products and campaigns e.g. I would like to maintain a single list of products my company carries and ensure that the exact same language is used across teams' sheets. 
    Will check out other options noted but I'm confident my company won't go for the extra spend at this point - getting the ok for Smartsheet was eye-poking already and it's reasonably priced...

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