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Importing into a Project Sheet

Sandra Kimball
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hello everyone,

As a project manager/trainer, I have been instructing PMs to create projects schedules using the Project Sheet. This is because it includes not only dependencies, but the timeline option. However, if we want to import from MS Project or Excel using the Import function, it imports into a blank template, which doesn't allow us later to add the timeline feature.


The workaround has been to open a Project Sheet, then copy and paste from the Excel or MS Project document.


Is there a better way to import and keep the timeline feature? Or is there a way to add the timeline to a blank template that I don't know about?




  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    All sheets can be modified to look like any template. Any sheet can be turned into a project sheet and can have dependencies and a Gantt chart.


    All of our templates were built from scratch (Blank sheets).


    To enable dependencies: right click on a column header and select Edit Project Settings > Dependencies > Dependencies Enabled


    To view the Gantt chart: Select Gantt chart option on toolbar.



    Some of these options will require certain columns and you will be prompted to add them if they are not already in your sheet. 

    Screen Shot 2016-02-18 at 10.18.59 AM.png

  • Yay Travis! Thanks for your help. It seems I should have known about that little icon on the left for adding the Gantt Chart, but it had escaped me.


    I will look forward to passing this on to our users.

This discussion has been closed.